allergies are great

I went to Burnaby Mountain today and came back with itchy eyes and a sneezing frenzy. Half of my family were having a sneezing party. I’m currently playing games and writing a story. Multitasking because I get bored easily. But I’m getting SOMETHING done. And I am on a break. But I have to do some work. Well then, let me get to it. Adieu!

glass air bubbles

Hey there. I’m back. And it is the end of Term Two of school. Today was the last day of school before Spring Break and we got our REPORT CARDS. These two words haunt some people, but for some reason, I wasn’t really at all worried about them like I had during Term One. I got the same as last term. Pretty good! I’m consistent. I haven’t gotten much worse. Yay! Now, I have to finish the rest of my work so I can relax… after typing another 20-something pages of my story. Well then, until I get over the fact that I’m nowhere close to being done!

it’s an honour

What do I do?! I am stuck. But I have ideas… And I don’t have anything to do with those ideas. I have an art application for high school next year… For an Art Honours class. But I have to create a portfolio… I am stuck on a part of the assignment as I am always super hesitant on things that require others to look at and accept or decline my work… I don’t like that. Someone will say something about my work, and it could be good or bad. Ehh. I need to think more. I also have… math. And science to do. Ahaha. I should do that. Well then, until I have a perfect plan.


Valentine’s Day has come and gone. Speeches have been presented. My French Project is technically the definition of ‘screwed’. I still don’t have a title for my novel that I wrote last term. And I need to make a cover design. My desk’s current state is pretty much what is going on in my brain. To type on the keyboard right now, my left arm is on top of my stack of a science textbook, planner, a novel, papers, and my pencil box. My right arm is on my rough draft of a cover which is pretty much empty. Beside my right hand are two water bottles. … Don’t ask. I also have a lot of Valentines, and… rubix cubes on my computer. I also have a bunch of pens and pencil crayons in front of my key board. My wallet is beside my left hand. I really enjoy describing my current situation. I don’t know why, but I just do. I should do my Science, actually. But… I don’t really know what to do about it, for my teacher wrote the instructions on the board, erased earlier than I anticipated, and didn’t write the assignment on the Planner board. I will… just try to do what she ‘asked’ of us. Yay! Alright. I really should be doing something. Well then, ADIEU~!

i’m done

I’m done in both good and bad ways. In a good way, I have finished my speech and… that’s it. In a bad way, I have absolutely NO plan for my group project for French. And pretty much all of my group is looking at me to think of something. But I CAN’T. I have no idea of what to do for the presentation. I’m already doing the PowerPoint when all they have to do is half, or a little less than half, of the research. What do I do.
Well, if I am so confused, I will research a little on what is a interesting way to present a presentation to a class. Until I have figured it out! Adieu~!


Hey. It’s February. That means Valentines’ Day. And that means speeches are due soon and will be presented sometime next week and probably the week after. Ahaha. I really should’ve done a little more thought on my topic. Mainly because my topic is very sensitive. It’s about dying. Yeah. Kid’s dying. But it’s not too terrible because it’s about mature little beings choosing to die because: a. they are REAL sick, b. or they are REAL sick. Yeah. But there is some really contradicting information in some of my sources when I’m trying to sound half neutral, and also have persuasive about a certain point. Mainly because it’s not happening in Canada. Yah. The other 6/7 class in English have already started presenting. And I’m not even done my body of the speech (so close. just like everything else I do).
Anyways, it’s getting close to 9. Well then, see ya!

pink paper icing

That title is about my poster that I made for Student Council’s Bake sale. It takes the form of a cupcake, and the icing part is pink. And it’s made of paper, so yeah. I’m not very interesting. Tomorrow, people that go skiing go, and people that don’t go skiing will skate in the afternoon. We will be walking to the rink. Probably. Most likely. Unless someone offers to drive us grade 6/7s to the rink. Which I really doubt will happen.

For the past 3 days, we’ve been doing these assessment test things, and I actually never try hard on these because it doesn’t contribute to my mark. But teachers’ want us to try because it shows the official people at the top how the teachers teach and how well we do in school. I don’t actually understand the entire thing, but if I do it, at least try a little bit. Yeah.
Well, I have things to do. Like play games and do homework. Priorities…

collages. no.

Very self-explanatory. I’m supposed to do this collage thing, and I really don’t like doing collages. It takes a long time to do, I have about less than a week to accomplish a collage for the New Years. I have wasted a lot of time (about 2 to 3 other periods that my Art teacher gave us to start and work on the collage) every other time, though. So now, I have to do two art related assignments. One is this collage, and the other is a title page for Science. And it should be centred around ‘Chemistry’. I’m not done. Nowhere near. Well… halfway done. Yippee.

I should get more done on my speech. It’s almost due. Like in early February or even before January is over. Something else I should do is research more on my French project. Even though I’m in a group for my French project, I’m in charge of organizing the PowerPoint and part of the research. Why are there so many projects in Term Two? I have yet ANOTHER project I should research more for and it is related to Socials. Why am I complaining? It’s not even that much for me to do as long as I focus and use my time wisely. Ahaha. BUT. If anyone gives me ONE or TWO more projects to do, I will explode and collapse on myself.

If I am talking about how much homework I have, I should get to that homework. Okay. Until I finish some of that work! Adieu~!

keep quiet

I’m currently doing homework. I am very slow at writing stories or novels. It doesn’t matter how long it will be or needs to be, IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME. School starts in a day. That means I have today to finish this story. Yay. Yet I keep lagging it on and on. I’m very smart, you see.

School starts tomorrow so I really gotta think of good ideas. Ideas that I won’t regret later…
So, until I manage time better! Adieu~!

New Year Resolutions : 2016

Happy New Year! It is now 2016, and I have been sick for an entire year. JK! Only for like two weeks… Since it is a new YEAR, that means a lot of things are going to happen… Just like every other year. For example… BIRTHDAYS. Nope. Not going there. I’m gonna be 13? Whaa? Then my brother is going to be 5?? Yeah…
New Year Resolutions are hard to think of, but I’ll just go with what I feel like I can actually try to accomplish… Yeah. Well then…

  1. Don’t ask so many questions; be more independent and use my brain.
  2. Try not to be so hesitant.
  3. TRY to be more neat and organized. (and don’t procrastinate so much)
  4. Have more patience…
  5. Stay the same in personality, but be quieter when appropriate.
  6. EYES!! Keep my eyesight the same.
  7. Try not to be scared of new things and other things (like… earthquakes!)
  8. Get better at talking in front of people.
  9. Improve printing.
  10. Use time wisely (don’t play all the time).
  11. Concentrate better, find a strategy to concentrate without music.
  12. Have more self-esteem. Yay.

I have no idea how I’m going to do anything. Great. I should take time to do homework instead of playing with other electronics. Yeah. So, I will get to that homework. Put effort into work and concentrate.

Well then, I hope everyone has a wonderful 2016! Happy New Year~!