Grandpa and I — 1 to 10

I will tell you how much I am like my Grandpa:

1. We love toys.

2. We love ice cream.

3.We are all cute.

4.Our eyelashes are all long.

5.We like to watch t.v.

6.We like to play computer.

7.We all like to play.

8.We like to read.

9.We like to take naps together.

10.We like to eat.

Canada Day Carnival

Yesterday was Canada Day. Which means the carnival’s back!! What I did at the carnival:play golf, toilet toss, ring toss, plinko, shooting stars, and jumping castle. The Canada cake had so much strawberries. It was so yummy!! 😛 I saw my classmates. *

*Grace typed it, Gloria instructed me. 😛