spring into action

Well. It snowed on Monday, and with today being a rather warm Friday, I think the weather is having some temperature spasms. It was like 4 degrees Celsius yesterday, but today was like 11 degrees after school.

Today was the last day of school before Spring Break. I want to meet with an old friend. Mainly because I haven’t seen them in quite a while. Maybe 2 years? I dunno. I talked to them within that time though, but not face-to-face. Anyway, O have some homework, actually less than I thought I would have. I have to do my last Lit. Circle for English, an Art History page (or two), aandd… that’s it. Only two assignments. My Lit. Circle is already half complete, and the Art History page will probably take a day to finish. I finally get to have a bit of a break. But I should still be a little bit productive. Maybe do something useless but art-related. Perhaps sleep a little more. Write more. Conserve energy and lay down for extended periods of time. :)) And play lots of games.

It is getting late. And I want to draw or play a game, so, see y’all later!


Most of my posts are about me and school. Yes, I realize that school is the only other thing that is going on apart from my personal life. Once again, I’m back to update y’all on my homework. I’m currently (like actually at the moment) working on my Socials Renaissance Artist project. I’ve written a paragraph. One solitary passage of 5 to 9 sentences. Just one. As you can see, that amount of work had inspired me to name this post after it.

It snowed a bit more today, adding to the amount snowed yesterday and the day before. The other day, I threw out the trash and it started snowing while I was outside. It looked really cool. Because it started snowing a lot more after. Anyway, today at school, I managed to run through a field of calf-high snow only to find my sister doing the same on the other side. Seems like we find snow very fun. We spent the evening looking at the individual snowflakes (tiny tiny ones that were very FRESH) and their designs. Quite intriguing, really. Actually, it was really cool. We also noticed that we had some icicles hanging from the side of the roof. So we plucked some big ones off and sunk them into the piles of snow on the side. Very entertaining.

I seem to realize lots of things these days. I noticed that my sister and I have been very synchronized recently. Lots of our inside jokes are said at the exact same time that sometimes we don’t even notice the other person even said it until we hear the layering of voices. Is this meant to be?? Haha. Also. Family Day and Valentines’ Day is coming up. Lots of affection related holidays are coming up, and I haven’t gotten any gifts or chocolates yet. Perhaps I will go out over the weekend to get some. 🙂 Anyways, it’s getting a little late, and I should probably sleep since there is still school tomorrow. Goodnight, and see y’all later!

a hint of red

It’s almost Chinese New Year! Today, I had table tennis practice. I ran around for various reasons. Some things happened that caused a bit of a commotion. I have surprisingly survived almost 2 terms of high school. Now, I’m starting to wonder, how am I supposed to survive the next 4 years? Wait. How is it 2017 already? 2017 seems like such a large number. It’s been almost an entire month of 2017, and I’m still not used to it. There are so many things to do, yet, I really really don’t want to do any of it.

There is this report for the Science Fair that we have to write; it should be approximately 500 words in total, but I have written about half of the report, and I have reached around 579 words last time I checked. This is great. I don’t think my teacher wants to read all that I have written, so I will use the next week to look it over with my partner and complete, or start, the poster board in the week. My partner doesn’t do much, so I told her to at least to get the poster board, however I started saying that back in December, and now we have a week left to finish this FAIR, and she promises to get it this weekend. Great. I totally don’t feel rushed now. I really want this Science Fair, English Test + Essay, Math Building Project, Tech Ed Project, Art Project, SCHOOL to end. I don’t think I’m going to be able to finish all this with a passing mark. Or a satisfying mark with the amount of time left until all these things are due.

I like my of my teachers. However, there are some that just don’t sit well with me, like I don’t really understand or think that the way they teach is very efficient with a class that I have. Oh crap. I just remembered that for my English and Essay, we have this outline sheet, which I am mostly finished, but I have yet to make notes for the conclusion. See? I’m done with this. Get me outta here. I should sleep soon. Well then, goodnight and see ya later!

2017 New Year’s Resolutions!

Hey guys, Happy New Year! 2016 has come to an end. That means 2017 has started, and there must be a post on some goals for the rest of the year. Well, without further ado, the resolutions!

  1. Try to get my creativity out in different ways (drawing, writing, idk what else).
  2. Focus (whether it be around people, at school, or when playing sports).
  3. Less use of my phone.
  4. Sleep at more appropriate times.
  5. Try to keep the desk organized for as long as possible and clean every once in a while.
  6. Organize time for everything; have a plan. 🙂
  7. Spend more time with the child. GABEYY.

Well, that seems to be it. There isn’t as much as I thought. I guess 7 is a good number to stop at as I am not used to seeing the year as 2017. 2016 was fun, uneventful, and strangely turned pretty bad at the end.
School starts in 2 days. I don’t think I’m very excited for it to begin. I should get back into my school sleeping schedule. However, I don’t think I’m getting very close to getting my sleep schedule back to normal anytime soon. I just can’t fall asleep at normal times.

I noticed that recently I’ve been painting a whole bunch of random things. Is it so that I have something to do? I do… but I don’t really want to. ((:

I hope everyone has a good 2017! Happy New Year again!


Well hello there. Today, I started to use my laptop. I am not used to the keyboard. Or the screen being connected to the keyboard. I feel like this is gonna take a while to get used to.

I cleaned my desk today. The surface has gotten some light after like… 4 months? Maybe even more than that because I was lazy over Summer Vacation. I really don’t know. I did a whole bunch of chores today with my siblings after destroying the gingerbread house we made for Christmas. Yes, we destroyed it. With a meat tenderizer. My brother and my sister destroyed. I tried to keep the mess minimal, however, that didn’t work out, so we ended up cleaning the entire level. I vacuumed for the first time. And so did my 5 year old little brother. I’m so helpful.

I don’t think my productivity level is very high, especially since I don’t have anything in particular to do or complete. I am not complaining. This is good. Relaxing. But, I must find something to do. I did, but I got bored of doing it. Ahahah. I have no life. :))) (double chins included)

Alright, I will now get to keeping my desk clean for the next month. OH. I should probably start thinking of some New Year’s Resolutions. Haha. Well, until I write again. See ya!

Christmas 2016 ~ Merry Christmas!

I was pleasantly surprised this year. My parents got me a laptop. Well. That was unexpectedly expected. I mean, I don’t like having my hopes up, but when my mom dropped a few super-vague hints, I felt like I knew what it was, but I didn’t say anything, in case it wasn’t. I also have snowmen marshmallows. I received a poop emoji from my sister. It has heart eyes. It really speaks to me.

I got a zen art thing from my neighbours. It has paint. And fancy brush pens that I may use for other things. Ohohoho.

I hope you all had a great Christmas! Well then, goodnight!!

idk what

Today I realized I was actually a little sick. A little bit of coughing and a little bit of a gross nose. I had ping pong today. We had a tourney for my group lesson. I got 4th. Last time we had a tourney thing, I got 2nd. I wasn’t really into it today. I actually noticed that I was not into the game at all. Wow. I noticed something. I also realized that I hate it when people have expectations of me. I heard another student in my group lesson talk about me as “that girl that beats everyone” right after my match that I lost (and started my losing streak). I won 6 matches and lost 4 matches. I hate expectations, even if they’re mine. I want to swear. Like really loudly. But not right now because my throat hurts.

I really like this drama series’ OST. It’s like, half depressing and half satisfying. I don’t know. I’m really boring. I haven’t written something creative and posted in a while. It’s probably because I hate getting criticized by certain people. I’m not blaming anyone, but it’s just my personal feeling. I think I just hate the way I do things.

It snowed more today. I played outside with my brother for like an hour. We made a very little snowman. It had a red frisbee for a hat. Then after we made it, we went inside for hot chocolate (with waaay too much powder). I went out after it stopped snowing as hard, and the frisbee-hat had a layer of snow on top of it. It didn’t topple over. Impressive. Better than me. 😉

I will now proceed to write my novel. A personal one. Not for any particular reason. Yeah. See ya when I’m not super sick or sad.


Can I have a really long break? I have lots of work to do, but I seem to procrastinate for extended periods of time. I don’t want to do any of this. I know I have to do my work. I have a stomachache.

Earlier this year, I thought that grade eight would be a little harder than grade seven. Well, it’s not any more difficult, it’s just more in a short amount of time. I forgot about the fact that every school day is busy. Maybe I underestimated high school because of how my sister explained her day. It’s not her fault, it’s just my interpretation and visualization of high school. Haha.

Let’s list some things that I know are coming up that I should do, but I’m not. Also, stress. 🙂 I mean, I’m just gonna list random things that… are happening.

  1. Science Fair Proposal: I’m writing the entire thing, but it’s a partner project. I wish I did Honours now.
  2. Art Project: I haven’t even started on thinking about. So I’m not going to think about it.
  3. Ping Pong Tournament: The registration cut-off date is tomorrow. I don’t really want to do it. I should talk to my coach. I don’t think I’m going to do it if I’m this stressed about it.
  4. Ping Pong @ School: I mean, it’s a new thing-a-majig to me, so I don’t know what is going on at the try-outs and practices. I’m really awkward. Especially when explaining and teaching.
  5. School In General: Can I like not go? I don’t really enjoy school. It’s too busy. I don’t like group/partner projects. I dislike many things. Including my work. And myself.

I need to go to PING PONG PRACTICE now. So, yeah, see ya next time!!!!

onze heures

It has been quite a while. I have been quite busy with the new amount of homework every week. Or everyday. Yeah, that’s more like it. So, my dad has gone to Shanghai for 15 days, and he’s to come back tomorrow. And tomorrow happens to be a vacation day for students as it is Remembrance Day. Oh yeah, that reminds me, at school we had our Remembrance Day ASSEMBLIES, and the ones at my school are long-ish and sort of abrupt, while at my brother’s, he got to say, “I will remember,” while holding his POPPY ART. AIN’T that CUUUTE.

Anyway, that means I can go pick my dad up from the airport with my siblings! However, I still have lots of homework, so I can’t have the whole day waiting and slacking off as I normally do on every other day. It’s getting a little late, but I’m not too worried about the time. I’m more worried about the time that I will sleep at. Recently I noticed that I have more… noticeable eyebags than from grade seven. Which reminds me, I should probably go sleep as it is like 11. It’s not particularly late for other days, but I feel a little tired. Well then, off to bed I will go. See ya!


Tomorrow is a Pro-D Day for secondary students, but not for elementary students. That means I can visit my little brother!! I really want to see my little, tiny, little brother communicate with kids his age, and in class listening or whatever else kindergartners do. It seems so cute. Oh my. Also, I plan on checking in on some classmates from the years before. With my sister. I think. I don’t know, it depends on when we decide to get up tomorrow. Haha.

I haven’t written something fictional on this blog in a while and posted it. I’m thinking of something… Well, for now. Unless I’m studying for my English test next week. And finishing Socials. And doing something that I can’t quite remember right now. Yippee. Work to do. And I was complaining over the summer break about having no work. Wow. I really regret saying stuff like that. Ha. Alright, I should probably to something more interesting. So, I’ll get going! See ya, until I write something and decide to post it on my blog!