New Year Resolutions : 2016

Happy New Year! It is now 2016, and I have been sick for an entire year. JK! Only for like two weeks… Since it is a new YEAR, that means a lot of things are going to happen… Just like every other year. For example… BIRTHDAYS. Nope. Not going there. I’m gonna be 13? Whaa? Then my brother is going to be 5?? Yeah…
New Year Resolutions are hard to think of, but I’ll just go with what I feel like I can actually try to accomplish… Yeah. Well then…

  1. Don’t ask so many questions; be more independent and use my brain.
  2. Try not to be so hesitant.
  3. TRY to be more neat and organized. (and don’t procrastinate so much)
  4. Have more patience…
  5. Stay the same in personality, but be quieter when appropriate.
  6. EYES!! Keep my eyesight the same.
  7. Try not to be scared of new things and other things (like… earthquakes!)
  8. Get better at talking in front of people.
  9. Improve printing.
  10. Use time wisely (don’t play all the time).
  11. Concentrate better, find a strategy to concentrate without music.
  12. Have more self-esteem. Yay.

I have no idea how I’m going to do anything. Great. I should take time to do homework instead of playing with other electronics. Yeah. So, I will get to that homework. Put effort into work and concentrate.

Well then, I hope everyone has a wonderful 2016! Happy New Year~!

New Year Resolution Review: 2015

It might be a little early to start reviewing what goals I had set up this year, but I have some time on my hands right now, and I might not later, so why not now? Let’s get at it then…

  1. Have more confidence. ~ I really don’t know where I am going with that.
  2. Be more elegant. ~ …No comment.
  3. Try to be nicer and appreciative. ~ Try.
  4. Try to type without looking down at the keyboard. ~ Nope.
  5. Be more alert in certain situations. ~ Believe me, I try.
  6. Stop bothering Gabriel so much. ~ …Is that really a problem?
  7. Understand when people are mad at me. ~ Okay.
  8. Keep improving my mathematical skills. ~ …what skills.
  9. Keep improving my Shanghainese. ~ Got that… Maybe Mandarin this year.
  10. Pay attention when needed. ~ Ahh… right.
  11. Work on my writing. ~ Working on that…
  12. Keep my eyesight the same. ~ Ahahah
  13. Get passing grades in term one Grade 7. ~ THAT is one thing I can guarantee.
  14. Improve temper. ~ Found a solution! Just don’t care about anything.
  15. Stop procrastinating so much. ~ Isn’t that what I’m doing right now?

Since when was I so sarcastic? Woah. I’ll probably post my New Year Resolutions on the first day of 2016. That means I really should get going on my novel. I’m currently going absolutely NOWHERE in my story. I am stuck. Like in every story I start. Ahh.
At least I have finished one piece of homework that is due on the first day of school. The band theory book thing has been finished for a while now. I should really rack up some ideas for the story I’m attempting to complete. Yeah. I really should.

happy christmas

Merry Christmas! It is currently 3 : 20 in the afternoon. My family and I opened our gifts just before lunch. I received a scarf, mascara with eye makeup, chocolate (and more from the rest of the family), nail polish, sweaters, and a pair of pants. Yay!
There will be a dinner with our neighbours later, so my parents are sort of busy preparing and cooking some food. FOOD.

I got my brother this Minion related thing and I got my sister these little food-shaped-erasers that she collects, and has quite a collection.
AND I GOT MYSELF… sick. Yay. I am always sick at this time of year and month. Go me!
Okay, I’m gonna go now, and try to do some work! Merry Christmas!

ow, i think i broke something

I went skating with my brother today. It’s only because he really wanted to. I am okay-ish at skating, not that good to the point I can go super fast confidently. I can’t skate backwards, so that made trying to help him skate really hard. I’m probably going skating tomorrow too, for the sake of trying to teach him more skating with my limited knowledge of skating. YAY!

Anyways, Winter Break has started!! Yay. Time to work more on my writing assignments. And try to sleep more, and eat. Yay. Sounds like a plan.
Did I ever say anything about my report card? I feel like I didn’t do anything to get all of those marks. A hint : I got pretty good, I guess… I feel like I don’t deserve it, it’s like I should have done more than that to get the mark I have. Ahh. I don’t know anymore.
Speaking of school, I should change my topic. I feel it might offend a lot of people. But then again, what do I care? Ahg. WHAT DO I DO.

I should go soon. Should sleep later. Alright, until I’m not distracted!! Adieu~!

sick and school??

Hey. I’m sick. And tomorrow’s the first day of school. How does this work? I don’t know. How did I get sick in the first place? The blame is on Gabey, my brother. He got sick first then passed it on to me. I am stuffed up, and can barely breathe. You probably didn’t want to know that. Well. My throat hurts. It hurts to sneeze. Ahahahahhha.

So, I just had lunch. And, I can no longer breathe. Improvement?
It’s 1 o’clock in the afternoon and my brother wants to watch me play a computer game. And I just realized I forgot my tissue box. I’m getting better at the second! Argh.

He’s complaining. Well then, until I get better!!

windy days

SO. If you live in the Lower Mainland area in Canada, you will most likely have seen the massive trees that have fallen over. And the power outages… That means you can’t really do anything other than your perfectly charged devices with games that don’t require wifi. Yaay. OOOOOOH. I heard and saw pictures of a tree that had fallen over on to a playground at my school, destroying the playground. Well, a part of it… That same day (yesterday), I went to my ping pong class and I got 2nd place in the Junior Class Tournament. Yaaay!! It has a bunch of stars on it. Four to be precise.

AAAHHH!! School start in 8 days. And. That’s bad. Because it’s grade seven. And people (aka teachers) expect many things from you. AKA maturity, common sense (not at all that common), being organized (and keeping it that way), setting an example. WONDERFUL. I will succeed none of that. Not exactly mature. Common sense??? I don’t even know how that works (aka people tell me I am dense; ’tis true! I don’t notice my surroundings very often)… I am good at organizing things, but I get lazy, and I can’t keep it looking beautiful. I am not good at setting any sort of example… Even if I have a little brother and an older sister to learn from. Different personalities…? I dunno.

It seems that lunch is coming. If you’ll excuse me. Adiooooooooos~!

my brother: the hammer

SO. My brother has this baby toy that he is very curious about. He wants to figure out what is inside of it, but he can’t open it. You’re not really supposed to open it, since it is a baby toy with a bell in it. But he is bashing it around trying to open it. He just hit Grace. And he thinks that the only way to open it is to use a knife. And he is moping about how he can’t open it. AAAAAAAND. He just cried over it and threw it at the swing thing we have. AHahahaha. Patience is key, m’dear.

Anyways. School is JUST AROUND THE CORNER. HAPPINESS IS FILLING MY BRAIN MY THE SECOND. Wonderful. Well, I must organize more things and do things. UNTIL NEXT TIME!!

i’m perfect

I’m wonderful. I wonder how I did that. Most of the recent posts have been rants and spam. And me stories have been pushed back. I have no motivation to write anymore! I want to write this oneshot, but I have no motivation and idea. I need to go to school and then I’ll have ideas and motivation. School at least makes me accomplish something. I guess that makes me feel useful. YEAH!!!

Ah. I just forgot what I was about to do. I think… Whaa..? My memory is failing meeeee. I sound old. AAAAAAHHHHHHH. School starts in 15 days!! 2 weeks!! I’m gonna be in grade seven. But, the first day of school is only 1 hour long. So does that even count as a DAY? The very next day would be the first FULL DAY of school. In which your previous teacher will tell you what to do for the week. And either on Thursday, Friday, or Monday of the next week, they will tell you your teacher for the YEAR. Elementary man. EHEHEH.

Why am I still talking like school is a big deal? I’ve been going to school for almost 8 YEARS!! Woah. I started school in… 2008… YEAH. WOAH. 2008 is a long time ago. WOah. I feel like I was in kindergarten just a while ago. I admit it. A LOT OF THINGS HAPPENED. I moved to a new school 4 years ago. I still feel like I’m being treated like a new student. Or I should be. I remember the first day of kindergarten. I had a FRIEND. It was a guy friend. He’s not my friend anymore. Well, a. he went to another city b. we both moved to different schools c. our older sisters are weird friends (?) and d. we don’t talk when we come over to each other’s houses. Things get WEIRD when you get older.

Okaaay. This post was not supposed to look this long at all. Whoops. I will try to get my brain down to normal… Yeah. So, I’ll get going. Until next time!!

Back to School! don’t remind me.

Can’t I just… SLEEP? No. Apparently my jet lag still exists. I woke up at five. And proceeded to get up at eight. Yes, I lied around in bed for 3 hours thinking ‘it’s too early to get up. I can’t fall back asleep. Let’s stare at my watch.’ But then I got REALLY HUNGRY. And got up. Now, we are planning for lunch. YAY!

Today we plan on shopping for school supplies. I made a list yesterday. Hopefully my organization skills are still alive and I can find it. Waiiittt… Where is it? It’s supposed to be on my desk… NEVER MIND. FOUND IT. Alright!!! Off to a GREAT start. I can’t wait until school starts. (notice how there is a period instead of an exclamation mark. so much enthusiasm.)

Anyways, hopefully you are more energetic than me and alive and stuff. I’m gonna get going. Until next time!!

good idea, Gloria

How much sarcasm do you sense in the title? A lot!! Good job. Okay. I just got a bunch of songs. Mostly Bigbang/Kpop. Some songs are as old as… Last Farewell? Beautiful Hangover? Dayum. Forgot completely how much I liked those songs. I also forgot that Beautiful Hangover was Japanese when I reheard it. But now, I also have ‘E’ from MADE. ‘ZUTTER’ has a lot of English mixed in. I like them too much!!!

NOOOO! Noooo. Noooooooo. School starts in less than a full month. September 8th. Noooooo. That means Grade Seven. I ain’t going near any of that stuff. Nooooooooo.
I like how most of this paragraph consists of the letter ‘o’.

Okaaaaaaaaaaaay. My GREAT idea? Huh? No. I didn’t have one. I only made it a title because I am starting to use up a lot of common update style type of title. For example, “I’m back!”, or “It’s been a long time!”. Somewhere along those lines. I could also use one of my bad jokes that are either too corny, puns, wordplay, or… just plain stupid ideas summarized into two or three words. Yay! Now that’s my good idea! Summarizing my bad ideas into 2 or 3 words to create a title for my update style posts. Yup!

Well, I need to go have some lunch! Until when I have time for another post!!