lightning and thunder

Hello! I’m back!! I’m home. I came home yesterday, and was extremely tired for the entire day, due to jet lag. YIPPEE!! Okay, so the moment I got home (took a large taxi, dayum, BUT, I was thrown in the back with luggage..) I took a shower, ate some instant noodles (nothing left in fridge…), checked stuff on the computer and tablet, AND THEEEENN, I SLEPT. For three hours. Man, Jet lag really does us in, hey?

Well, I plan on sleeping nonstop for another… 3 or 4 days. That plan has been finalized. You can’t make me change my mind.

In Shanghai, there were a bunch of thunderstorms. If you know me, I am scared of loud sounds! And also, sometimes you can actually hear the wind howling! That sound is followed with a house creaking sound. Trust me, you will feel very safe.
One thing that is very convenient, is KTV’s!! My cousins took my sister and I out twice. I think the main thing there is watching the people with you, fail at singing.

Okay, I gotta go! Until AFTER jet lag…


so, today, being in shanghai  china, was hot. and today I got my hair cut and curled. dayum, me so fancy!! anyways. my sister got her hair dyed blue in the front of her hair. its late here so, goodnight, and I have jet lag. and you probably don’t.  yaay.


So, tomorrow i am going to CHINA to go see relatives! So, due to special events, I may not be able to update (if you’re the only person reading this, as this does not have any fans, good luck with catching up…) for a long time. My only way of getting to internet is my tablet. And sometimes it is charging, and sometimes someone else is using it. Yeah.

My entire family is going!! It has been 6 WHOLE years since I last went OVERSEAS. I went to AMERICA last year to see other relatives, but that ain’t overseas. So, hopefully I survive the 12 hour long flight. YEAHHH!!!

Until next time, fellas…

what’d i do now??

Hot damn. This is my third post of the day. I must be feeling pretty productive! So, as you can probably see, I’ve published my story! But, the thing is, what am I going to do next? I’m going to write the second part to it!! Of course. BET YA DIDN’T SEE THAT COMING. So, here in Vancouver, the weather is pretty cool, due to the recent fire. I think it’s a good feel, but definitely not that great for the air that we breathe in. Anyways, even if it is pretty cool, it still is hot. ISH. Since I’m going to the airport in three days to head off… I’ve been packing. STUFF. Obviously, that is very tiring and you sweat a lot in that process. Lucky me. Well, it seems like everyone is going places. FINALLY that applies to me. JK!

welcome back to the world which is slowly melting

Well it seems that all around Canada there are record breaking HIGH TEMPERATURES. So, I conclude that our earth is slowly melting. Along with us on it. Just kidding. But it sure feels like it is.
ANYWAYS! Going back to the present and on ME!  I am currently sweating. Just kidding! But I am a little bit. Well, things I am working on… I am starting a short series about a detective. And I have no idea what to name her. Oh well! Also, my family and I are going to China for a bit, and we are currently packing stuff. And I leave in a couple of days. Sooo, if I fail to update, I might be somewhere far, far, far, faraway, with my family, away from you all… SOOO. What are you doing over the summer?

since when.

It has been quite a bit. So, 2 days ago was my sister’s birthday (congrats), yesterday was Canada Day (spent the feeling GREAT), and today I went to watch a movie (INSIDE OUT), make pizza, play out in the sun (trampoline and water balloons. and the maybe the hose to spray people) with my two friends at one of my friends’ house.  So that was fun.
My friend (the one whom’s house I trashed) is going to America in 2 days. I’m going to China in 8 days. My other friend, is going camping. And these three events duration are in different months. SO, none of us can get together unless… TODAY.


That was a nice break. Back to reality that I would like to be in for all eternity. I’m gonna be 12 this year. Dayum. It hasn’t hit me in the face yet, so. YEAH.

Anyways, I’m gonna go play some CP games. Until next time you guys!

vacances d’été (2015)

Hey there! School’s out and life is at ease. Not really. But kind of. In a couple of days I’m leaving. To the overseas of the world! Okay, so two days ago was the last hour and a half of school and there was a clip featuring the next year’s grade sevens aka me. There was a picture of me playing ping pong in there. And the pictures were kind of funny. Then there was the baby pictures for the graduating class of 2015. But yo, next year I’ll be in grade seven!!!!

Well, I have other things to accomplish, so, until next time!

how about no?

Heey. I’m back. It has been two days. Alright-y then. For high schoolers, it’s summer vacation, but for elementary students, there is still four more dreadful days of school. But these days are not filled with work for grade sixes and sevens! We have to pack up our stuff on Monday, take ’em home, and the rest of the week is filled with events, things that only require a pencil, and PE. That’s sounds like a plan.

Anyways. I’m going overseas next month!! For the first time in… 6 years? Yeah. I’m gonna go over a sea or an ocean. Maybe more than one. China, to visit family. It’s gonna be awkward-ish, since I haven’t seen them in a long time, and they probably only remember me from my baby-hood, and possibly from pictures. I also might get a haircut. Maybe not to short, but definitely to thin it out. Hair talk. Dayum.

Well, I have other thing to attend to. See ya!

Summer Resolutions

Okay, so I got this idea from my sister, Grace, and, uh, it is basically a list of things i kind of want to achieve over the Summer. So, uhm, HERE IT IS!

1) Write something acceptable…
2) Learn to do something cool
3) Improve my table tennis skills
4) Find my inner creativity
5) Look at things differently (and not copy so much)
6) Read books
7) Ignore put downs
8) Just be more positive
9) Improve grammar … ?
10) Draw more often (to let that creativity goooo)
11) Try to be mature
12) Pay more attention………..

See? I can see a lot of flaws in myself. I still have more. But, since I am turning 12 this year, I’ll just stop at 12. I have another one: write neater. SEEEEEEEEE??? okay…
Well then, I need to go. It is 9:30-ish. See ya next time!!!

j’ai fini!!!

Yessss. I’m done. With the school homework. Well that took me too much time, won’t you say? I think I took to much time with completing that one assignment. But, now I can RELAAAAX. Not really. I still have my home homework stuff for grade 6. Aghh. I’m never going to get that done. Maybe over the summer. Yup.
Now… What should I do?
I shouldn’t seem too bored. If i act like that, people might give me more work to do. But then again, I do have SOME work to do.