missed it

Today, I missed the bus on the way home, so I walked home. It takes the same amount of time anyway. I walked past my elementary school. I think my shoes were too flat, and that caused my feet to hurt.

Anyway, at school, we have this thing called a Science Fair. I have barely started, and I already don’t like it. Unlike the others; they say that they hate it; but I just don’t like it. Like, really don’t like it. I have table tennis team practice tomorrow. And P.E. before that; it’s block 4. At least it’s basketball. I mean, if it doesn’t drain the energy out of me, table tennis might. Another thought, I have to go home after that. I have to take the busss. Or call home. Idk. I might take the bus anyway.

Tomorrow is Tuesday. I still dislike Tuesdays. Dammit. Well, I don’t like any other day. Except… Thursday and Friday. Unfortunately, time isn’t moving any faster for me to skip a couple of days. Dammit. Anyway, I should organize my stuff for tomorrow, so goodnight! ((:

idk what

Today I realized I was actually a little sick. A little bit of coughing and a little bit of a gross nose. I had ping pong today. We had a tourney for my group lesson. I got 4th. Last time we had a tourney thing, I got 2nd. I wasn’t really into it today. I actually noticed that I was not into the game at all. Wow. I noticed something. I also realized that I hate it when people have expectations of me. I heard another student in my group lesson talk about me as “that girl that beats everyone” right after my match that I lost (and started my losing streak). I won 6 matches and lost 4 matches. I hate expectations, even if they’re mine. I want to swear. Like really loudly. But not right now because my throat hurts.

I really like this drama series’ OST. It’s like, half depressing and half satisfying. I don’t know. I’m really boring. I haven’t written something creative and posted in a while. It’s probably because I hate getting criticized by certain people. I’m not blaming anyone, but it’s just my personal feeling. I think I just hate the way I do things.

It snowed more today. I played outside with my brother for like an hour. We made a very little snowman. It had a red frisbee for a hat. Then after we made it, we went inside for hot chocolate (with waaay too much powder). I went out after it stopped snowing as hard, and the frisbee-hat had a layer of snow on top of it. It didn’t topple over. Impressive. Better than me. 😉

I will now proceed to write my novel. A personal one. Not for any particular reason. Yeah. See ya when I’m not super sick or sad.


I’m like really screwed right now. So, at school we have this schedule divided into two days. On Day 1, there are four classes, and on Day 2 there are four other classes. I carry two different binders depending on the day. Today happened to be a Day 2, and tomorrow is Day 1. Yesterday was a Day 1 and I think I lost my binder for Day 1 yesterday. Either I lost it on the bus or I lost it at school. I have a calculator, a USB flash drive, like 2 notebooks with notes in them, math, science, tech ed work in it, and lots of other papers. On the outside I may seem a little lazy about it, but on the inside, it’s like… I don’t know what to do. How to get it back. Also, I am slightly worried about what happened to it, but who wants grade eight homework with my name on it. There was homework in there that is due tomorrow. This is so great. I stress about talking too. Recently, I’ve been nervous about pretty much everything. Like literally. I’m gonna cry.

I think I cried about reading out loud to a class a piece of writing I did. About… doing lots of homework. Hahaha. So childish. But I wanna cry right now. I have something stuck in my heart. Not stuck, like… foggy. Something foggy in my heart. Sometimes my heart feels weird after I run 400 m. When I play a game of table tennis, I get really really (more than before) nervous before each point. It causes me to rush, and it is currently my only problem according to my coaches. AAAAAHHHHGHGHhhh. Can I like do something good? I haven’t done anything worth praising yet. I saw a bunch of my marks, and many of them were lower than I thought. But it makes sense. I didn’t do very well on tests. I hate tests. What do I like. Oh my godd. I don’t know anymore. I know classmates that think I am smart so they ask me for answers or help with their work, but I have severe problems in my head. There is something wrong. When I lost my binder, I couldn’t even remember if I brought it onto the bus or not. If I left it at school or took it with me. If I got off the bus with it or not.

Is my heart and head messed up? It’s getting late, so I think I’ll have to prepare for tomorrow, and explaining my situation. See ya. (:


Can I have a really long break? I have lots of work to do, but I seem to procrastinate for extended periods of time. I don’t want to do any of this. I know I have to do my work. I have a stomachache.

Earlier this year, I thought that grade eight would be a little harder than grade seven. Well, it’s not any more difficult, it’s just more in a short amount of time. I forgot about the fact that every school day is busy. Maybe I underestimated high school because of how my sister explained her day. It’s not her fault, it’s just my interpretation and visualization of high school. Haha.

Let’s list some things that I know are coming up that I should do, but I’m not. Also, stress. 🙂 I mean, I’m just gonna list random things that… are happening.

  1. Science Fair Proposal: I’m writing the entire thing, but it’s a partner project. I wish I did Honours now.
  2. Art Project: I haven’t even started on thinking about. So I’m not going to think about it.
  3. Ping Pong Tournament: The registration cut-off date is tomorrow. I don’t really want to do it. I should talk to my coach. I don’t think I’m going to do it if I’m this stressed about it.
  4. Ping Pong @ School: I mean, it’s a new thing-a-majig to me, so I don’t know what is going on at the try-outs and practices. I’m really awkward. Especially when explaining and teaching.
  5. School In General: Can I like not go? I don’t really enjoy school. It’s too busy. I don’t like group/partner projects. I dislike many things. Including my work. And myself.

I need to go to PING PONG PRACTICE now. So, yeah, see ya next time!!!!

ohohoho tryouts

Hello, long time no write/type. Today was the table tennis tryouts for my school. It felt a lot quicker than it actually was. The tryouts were from 3:15 to 4:30 after school. Apparently I am accepted. I think it’s because I know how to play, I know how to do some cool stuff, and I can win some games. The team manager is my sister’s friend. Now that I am accepted and they said that they approve of me, I have a stack of papers to fill out for various reasons. Transportation, health, tournaments, and just other school related stuff. On Thursday, there is another tryout for those that maybe missed today’s one, and also the people from today’s tryouts have to go as well to either practice more and “coach” the other players. And rate them. To see if they get on the team. It’s so confusing and… more… important than the teams in elementary. I mean it’s like more serious, especially at my school. My school’s table tennis team have been the champions of the provincial or Vancouver-area championships. Real fancy, I know right!! It’s pretty cool. But I feel like I fail. SO, I’m good. Yeah. Alright, I should probably go know because I still have lots of things to do. Well then, see ya!!


Hi. It is quite hot these days. I haven’t complained about work for a while. I like complaining about work because it makes me feel like I have things to do. That might change in the next year, or not, depending on my mood. I think.
The Olympics are interesting to watch, even though I don’t understand the grading/scoring of some of the events. It fun, because I can’t do any of the sports, apart from ping pong, but that’s a whole other level.
Also, school starts in SEVENTEEN days. Whoa. But even that seems faraway because of the trip in 4 days. For 5 days. I might post something. Or not. Anyways, I will go do something useful. Well then, see ya!

Late June 2016

Yep. Late June. It has arrived. I mean, it started a while ago. But I mean, I actually DID SOMETHING that I was required to do. Like school. A grade. Especially grade seven. To be honest, grade seven was a lot easier than I imagined, but the time when I had 3 to 4 projects at once was not that fun or easy. But after all that, I can say that I’m done! Tomorrow all the 6/7 classes at school are going on a trip to Playland. After the trip, we have Friday as our last normal day of school. Then on the following Monday, the grade sevens will go to a water park, then Tuesday is half-a-normal-day and half a swimming day. Wednesday is grad day. In which I wear a womanly thing. Then in September I go to secondary school and my brother starts school. Whoa. Kindergarten. Wow. Grade Eight. Okay, I’m kidding about grade eight, just about kindergarten. Mainly because my brother will have his own school life. And that’s weird.

Today I have ping pong class after dinner, so I should conserve energy. And I will do just that. Until I finish grade seven (technically I am…)!

nothing has changed at all

Yeah. It is almost halfway through June. How things go by so fast when you’re doing project after project. I haven’t had the chance to write anything on this blog, mainly because I have been researching, taking notes, writing paragraphs, and fretting over presentations. Now, I am less than halfway through my last project; SCIENCE. I should be doing it right now — I am — but, I thought I would complain first and then work hard on it. I have ping pong later. So I should really hurry.

I achieved something! I think I got into some Honours for Grade 8! I believe I got into Art, English, and Math. I think. When our teachers were telling us, I was in a rush, and so I’m starting to doubt. I like to doubt myself. I don’t know. Okay, i should go continue my Science Presentation. Until I get things figured out! ;D

Key Point

Hi there. I noticed that the temperature outside has been rising. Today seems to be the only cool-ish day in about a week. So, at school, we’ve been playing softball, or practising softball by throwing and catching balls or just hitting the ball with the bat. I did softball last year so, I think I will survive. I’m doing some homework. My homework this week is to write some key points for each subtopic I have for a project I have with a partner. And… I have finished 2.5 of 7. that would be 35.7% done. Well. I’m still doing it. I’ll finish 3 for sure today.

I have ping pong class later today. I haven’t been doing to well lately. I don’t know if I’m unconsciously worried about something or if I can’t focus on the sport and letting my thoughts wander. I don’t know. What could I be worried about? I honestly don’t really worry about homework, because I know I can finish it with all the quality it needs to pass. I don’t know, man. May is halfway over. That means June is in half a month. And June means… summer. And Summer Vacation. Yeah. But first, homework. Until I figure things out!


Heyy. It’s April. Wow. Okay. Today, I had a table tennis tournament at a fancy high school. I played doubles (lost pretty badly, but hey, we did pretty good for first-timers) and singles in which I won one out of 3 games. But HEYY, I did pretty well on the other games I lost.

I was confirmed (religious event called ‘Confirmation’) yesterday and I wore heels for about 3 hours. They weren’t super high heels, but they were tiring for my calves. Also, I should do my homework. Yes. Even though it is getting a little late.

Ohh. Also, a late update, I did finish my novel at the end. My class got our stories printed and we made a physical copy of the book earlier this week. I had a lot of pages. It took a while, but my teacher helped me with about half of them. And we all appreciate their hard work.

It’s almost my little brother’s birthday. He’s gonna be five!! That’s. Fast. Faster than I had imagined and hoped. Mainly because he might start thinking like a thoroughly educated human being and stop being cute. He’s going to be in kindergarten in September this year. Do you know what this means? I’m going to be in grade 8. And that means I will be in Secondary School. Well, I should finish grade 7 first by finishing this homework. Well then, see ya!