oh dear. what?

OMG. It is almost Father’s DAY!! I haven’t done anything yet, but, I promise, I will. By the end of the week. YAY! Okay, so tomorrow my class is going to the PNE/Playland. Along with the other English 6/7 class. I am trying to save energy to go crazy tomorrow. JKJK, but my friend is half-forcing me to go on roller coasters with her. Oh well, I never actually went on a hardcore roller coaster. But my friends (the ones that would be in my group) have agreed to go on all the baby rides. GOOO BABY RIDES! Okay, I’m gonna go now.
Until next time, you guys!

what happened…?

All the grade sevens changed into stupid people who go for the other gender. As a human being a year younger than they are, I don’t understand. Does only one year change the way you see your classmates/people-you-might-see-out-there? I don’t understand. When will I understand anything? I can’t do anything useful. I can’t even talk. I can;t even think. I can’t even stay out of trouble. What frickin’ use am I for? I give up. I DON’T GIVE A DAMN. Shut up.

Floral Print

The smell of the freshly cut grass fills the humid summer air around this single dome.
This dome holds special flowers.
Each flower,
unique as to the other.
So why are there so many that dominate the other?

There are bees waiting for the sweet scent of the pollen; waiting for the nectar to be produced. People walk by as the bees work frantically, covering their faces. Why? The pollen released float around in the air, but some humans don’t want to inhale it. Allergic reactions prevent them to enjoy this luscious aroma. So why, why is this happening?

So how are these things working for you? Flowers don’t bother you. Bees don’t seem to notice you. Your allergies haven’t been acting up, have they? Are you worried? I’m doing fine. Just here by my lonesome. In this… isolated building. Don’t mind me. Forget about me. As you always do.

This summer will… be great. Don’t worry about anything. Everything will be resolved in a blink of an eye. You won’t have to do anything. Just… don’t come look for me. I’m happy, so you should too. There are flowers. Flowers everywhere I stop by. Lavender, lime, blue, all sorts. I wish you could see it. But if you were to see it, you… I… no. If you were to see it, it would be the last thing you would see. No. I can’t have you like this. We have to stop it. Stop this.

I’ll be gone for a while, so forget about this. I might be back one day.

See you then.

You need to know why things are happening like this. Every time I leave, you forget me. And every time you see me, you remember me. Things don’t work like this. I wish things could go back to how they were… but you can’t. I could, but I wouldn’t be able to bring you. But I want you to be able to see me in action… Proving to you my powers. I can rewind. But I bring anyone with me. No one knows. No one believes.

I sent you a package. Do you know it was from me? Do you know? It had a hand-made table-cloth in it. It had your favourite flowers on it. Do you like it? It’s…

Floral Print.


It has really been a long time since I went to a dinner party or a birthday party of some kind… Not that I want to go to one, because I don’t like going to places with lots of people… Yeah. But my friends always describe the parties they go to as enjoyable, and they are actually converse with people normally. I can’t talk normally. Especially if people ask me to Office Monitor. I can’t go on announcements. I can’t even talk to people I actually don’t know properly, or have only talked to several times. That was a problem, and I know the conclusion. I CAN’T TALK. I SHOULDN’T TALK. jkjk. I actually talk a lot. But not to other people. Just the same people over and over again.

I have lots of problems. Eh, I’m gonna do other things now. Like read and do homework. See ya next post!

Truth or Dare (Dare or Double Dare?)

WTH??? It’s this really stupid thing at school that the other 6/7 class is doing and somehow, my oblivious class has gotten mixed into it. During the breaks, they ask people ‘DARE OR DOUBLE DARE?’, and dare, is the normal dare, and the double dare, is you have to choose between two options. I personally like doing dares, but this is really stupid. They are making our school seem like one of those stereotypical American middle schools. But no, it is a Canadian elementary school. I don’t know where they got the idea, but it has made all the stupid people join in.

I actually was avoiding that crowd for a bit, and then a random person asked me ‘dare or double dare’, man, I didn’t even know what double dare even meant. EHEH.

Whatever. They’re really lame. I’m gonna go now. See ya!

Click Clack

The Backspace button pushed down repeatedly, hesitant if this was really right.
Fingers pressing down on a keyboard rapidly, rushing to get things done.
The Space bar, providing all the emptiness needed.
Why would anyone want to fill those spaces?
Not me…
What is it?
There is nothing to fill.
Everything is where it is needed.
There is nothing to look at, nothing at all.
You want to see it all crammed all together, but it won’t happen.

What are you doing on your computer?

Global Warming

This is strange. I’m pretty sure last year it was like, half as hot it is right now. It’s like 30 degrees Celsius right now. And I think last year, around these days it was only 15 degrees. For me, here in British Columbia, I think if it’s above 10 degrees it’s already pretty warm. How am I supposed to endure the rest of this week safety patrolling for the school? Because, y’know, I have Safety Patrol next week. Yeah. For the entire week of sunshine. I wanted, I got it, and now it should really go. The sun is great but the heat ain’t my type. I actually like the smell of the rain. Okay. That just sounded like the beginning of a poem or something meaningful but not really.

So, once again, someone did something which makes me wonder if that person has a sanity or not. Because, you know, people always do things that make you question their sanity. And then you wonder how you tolerate people like this.

Tomorrow is another performance day. And I happen to know it is going to be a disaster. Because the dress rehearsal was an absolute mess. I feel like my music teacher doesn’t know how to manage time when teaching grade sixes. Because our dance is a huge scramble. And only the solo parts are perfectly aligned and practiced. That’s partially because the students themselves thought it up. And therefore, they can properly remember it. My solo is really strange and it’s probably because I thought it up, and I also choreographed my partners’ parts as well. And when I want something to look specific way, I start to get pissed off easily. So, I welcome cooperation with wide arms. ♥☻♥

Nowadays, I’m into music which I think I can “dance” to. Like catchy and fast songs. For example POP songs. Especially j-pop and k-pop. Because I don’t understand half of it, I won’t get distracted by the words.

Well. This has turned in to something longer than I had anticipated. Would ya look at the time. Made you look. JK. I need to get going. See you next time!!

why so hesitant? (sprummer)

I have like, 3 posts that are one shots in my drafts. And I am not publishing at least one of them. That means one of them will be in my drafts forever. And the other two… I’m just a little hesitant to publish it on the website. You see, I don’t have a lot of confidence in my writing, or anything of mine… So it takes me a long time to decide something that usually takes a couple of seconds to decide. Meanwhile… I’m over here trying to figure out what to do with the things that might be critically judged. But, whatever.

It’s kind of hot here. Like, 23 degrees Celcius or something. IDK, I didn’t check. It just tells me that it is the time of year when it is half spring and half summer. SPRUMMER! JKJK. ANYWAYS, I have some things to get done. So… See you next time I update! Or post something i wish I wouldn’t/shouldn’t of.

YOooo, what do i doooo??

I should really do something that other people will consider helpful… But WHAAAT??? Ok, so like, since tomorrow is gonna be June, I just realized that I have 4 more weeks of school. And my sister’s birthday is coming up and I kinda need to make a card for her.
What do I DOOOO????
BUUT, I will go to the PNE once again this year. Man, the Awards Ceremony thing for Intermediates is like in 2 or 3 weeks from now. I know that I’ll have at least one award. That’ll be the SERVICE Award. I Safety Patrol and Lunch Monitor. Even if I do 2 services, I only get credited for one of them. But it’s added to it altogether, and I’ll still get recognized.

Just, saying, even after going to the Fun Fair by my school, my self-esteem had not gotten any better than before. I still am the same person. Of course I can’t change myself by going to a single event, but I kind of thought I could see the way I do things a little differently after having a little bit of fun. Whatever. Well, I tried, didn’t exactly work, so I won’t try it again. But now, I have this other question.

What is Self-Esteem?

Damn. Now this seems like some kind of speech. Or essay. Or a script for some kind of debate. But it ain’t. So… I’m gonna have to go now. See ya next time when I rant here again!!

Summer Resolutions

Okay, so I got this idea from my sister, Grace, and, uh, it is basically a list of things i kind of want to achieve over the Summer. So, uhm, HERE IT IS!

1) Write something acceptable…
2) Learn to do something cool
3) Improve my table tennis skills
4) Find my inner creativity
5) Look at things differently (and not copy so much)
6) Read books
7) Ignore put downs
8) Just be more positive
9) Improve grammar … ?
10) Draw more often (to let that creativity goooo)
11) Try to be mature
12) Pay more attention………..

See? I can see a lot of flaws in myself. I still have more. But, since I am turning 12 this year, I’ll just stop at 12. I have another one: write neater. SEEEEEEEEE??? okay…
Well then, I need to go. It is 9:30-ish. See ya next time!!!