ow, i think i broke something

I went skating with my brother today. It’s only because he really wanted to. I am okay-ish at skating, not that good to the point I can go super fast confidently. I can’t skate backwards, so that made trying to help him skate really hard. I’m probably going skating tomorrow too, for the sake of trying to teach him more skating with my limited knowledge of skating. YAY!

Anyways, Winter Break has started!! Yay. Time to work more on my writing assignments. And try to sleep more, and eat. Yay. Sounds like a plan.
Did I ever say anything about my report card? I feel like I didn’t do anything to get all of those marks. A hint : I got pretty good, I guess… I feel like I don’t deserve it, it’s like I should have done more than that to get the mark I have. Ahh. I don’t know anymore.
Speaking of school, I should change my topic. I feel it might offend a lot of people. But then again, what do I care? Ahg. WHAT DO I DO.

I should go soon. Should sleep later. Alright, until I’m not distracted!! Adieu~!

what if i didn’t write

Yeah. There is this speech contest all Grade Sevens have to do and the topic is always super broad, and this year, the topic is… ‘What if…?’ And that is where the title of this post. My teacher said it kind of has to be about a problem in the world that you think you could change. Not really a problem. Just… something that’s realistic and probably possible. When I told my sister about the topic and what my teacher told me, she was like, “What if nothing was impossible?” And we just had this weird moment like… woahh…. Unintentionally deep words.
I have no idea if a topic like that worked. Now, I am back at square one. I’m stuck, again. I have like… 4 ideas. For the speech. FOUR!!! Waargh.

For like an hour, I was with my brother playing with the educational computer games that my sister used to play with me when I was little. It was kind of frustrating when you try to teach your little sibling something about money and then the game uses AMERICAN money, and then you don’t know what you’re doing because you don’t recognize it. I’m Canadian. I don’t really recognize American coins. Only pennies because it has a distinct colour from the rest of the coins there. Pennies aren’t used anymore. Aww. I still have a large stash of pennies. A lot being over 100 pennies. One dollar worth of pennies and more! Yeah!

I’m getting off track. And I still don’t know what to write about… ‘What if we used American currency?” Nah. ‘What if we all used metric measurements?’ I DUNNO. I should search for real world problems. I want to find something different!!

marshmallow coats

Hey there. I am currently thinking ahead of my story. I’m thinking of the cover design to help me gain inspiration to write more. Yay. Oh. For gym at school, we have started ping pong! Yay! I noticed that when I hit the ball over, the opponent is confused as how the ball goes out when they have only used very little power. My answer: I HIT THE BALL WITH A LITTLE SPIN AND POWER. My teacher asked me if I thought some of the students were good at anything (from what I see). I replied with, “They’re good at hitting high. With no spin.” Like they just brought the ball up with the racquet. Or is it racket ? Or is it both? I don’t know. I like both. But only for certain situations.
I have ping pong class later. I should do something useful. Well then, see ya! Adieu~!

P.S. The reason this post is titled ‘marshmallow coats’ is because that’s what it looked like. My friend had an intensely puffy jacket. Just saying. It wasn’t bad; I have one!

writing quite a bit

I am currently writing a bit of my novel for school. Only a bit. I can only write my book either with music or when I am not distracted. Is that what other authors do? When I listen to music, I concentrate on a certain part of the song. Maybe the background music that is layered in. I dunno. I don’t even know where I am going with the story, or am I going to change it… Drastically? Or only a little bit?

Ping Pong is starting at school! Yay! I can’t wait to… see how people think they can play. Just kidding. I’m not that mean. I think…

Well, I should be going somewhere with my work, so… until I am done! Adieu~!

haha nice

Hey. It’s kind of cold. Really cold. I have a new big and thick coat and a new pair of boots… Yay! New stuff. Soo… Currently… I have homework. No surprise there. Another thing I should do but I don’t want to is, clean my desk, as it kind of looks like someone smashed into it and forgot to clean up the mess. Well, I kind of DID smash into it. I smashed my TEXTBOOK into my desk. Onto. Yeah.

Yesterday was the Girls’ Volleyball Recreational Playdate! It’s a school team so, of course, it was for fun. The nets were very flimsy. But, whatever, it works!
Ping pong is starting soon for P.E. Yay! My best sport. For the first time. In forever~! Okay… I’m gonna go and finish my homework as fast as possible. Let’s get at it.

below zero??

Heyy. I heard that temperatures may reach -15 degrees Celsius!! That’s like… REALLY COLD. Negative 3 is already really cold for me. Agh!
I should do something with the amount of homework I have (which is not a lot…). I have ping pong class later. That means going outside. NOOoo. It’s too cold.

This is actually really short. I should write more. But I have nothing to say. Aaha. Let’s see. What did I do this month? Wrote stuff, lost a lot of paper that I needed, and forgot how to manage time to do homework properly? I REALLY don’t know. Okay. I’m going to figure it out, so until next time! Adieu~!

Eraser bits.

Why does my brother say he has nothing to do and then he plays with something for the longest time ever? Also, why does he so much energy??

I am currently working on my novel’s intro. And I should think up a title for the novel. “In Which the Girl Has No Idea What to Name This Novel, So Think One Up for Her” a novel. Beautiful. I can just picture it on everything.
When I write stories I wonder if I should give chapters titles or should I just leave it as like “Chapter I” and “Chapter II”… I dunno. Ahhhhg. Thinking. I don’t want to think…
I should get going at it. Well then, Until I get something done! Adieu~!

it’s taking forever

Hii! I’m back. Yesterday was Halloween… Yeah. I walked a lot. I just realized that, that was the most boring intro ever. Okay…. GUESS WHAT?? I’m sick! Yeah!! And I have a lot of homework… Mostly because I procrastinated. And I forgot what due dates were. Ehehe. Now, I have… 3 assignments to finish by… today… I think. My throat is very uncomfortable right now. How am I supposed to breathe? Especially when
I go to ping pong today…

HALLOWEEN! Right. That was yesterday. I went trick-or-treating twice. First time was with my siblings, at the mall. The second time was with my friends at night. I watched fireworks twice and had hot chocolate and popcorn. It was free! And it was cold.

Okay. I need to really finish all this. Well then, until next time!!
*cough* *cough* *HACK*


Hi there! I have been working on two pieces of.. homework. One is a project (French), and another is for ART, and I am 7/10 done that. As for the French, I have the info down, and I need the teacher to help me and make sure the sentences have proper French grammar applied… I also have another project due November 3, and I haven’t even started it. I have finished 2 of that kind of project (it’s spread over the entire term…), and I need to get started on another one because it has to do with reading. And that means I need to get a book. And I need to look for one. Alrighty then. Most of these projects require drawing. Yay… I guess. Less writing… No. There still is a lot of writing… But I have to try to make it look at least a little bit pretty. Maybe presentable. I dunno.

Okay. I gotta get more done before church. Adieu~!

I’m 12.

Hi! Today is my birthday! I turned 12, if you couldn’t tell from the title. I am now a preteen. Or a tween, as some people say. Okaay. So, I got a book, a pen, and some toys. The cake was a vanilla and white chocolate cake. Fancy. Ohhh. The noodles mom made were nice. And… delicious. Eh, you know.
