“Um,Er, Sure. I am thirteen years old and I am learning to control my wand. And my name is Ryan.” he said to me. “I am Maree. I am thirteen,as well. And I go to regular school.” I said. Then he said “FOLLOW ME…………………………………………………………………………
Wizard Tree 4#
Then all of a sudden the wizard appeared out of nowhere. “Well,hello there I did not see you there.” I said to the wizard. “Why do you want to see me?” asked the wizard. “Because I want to know more about you. Like getting to know you better.”I replied……..
to be continued… … …
Wizard Tree #3
So I helped him out of the tree.Then he gave me a piece of paper with writing on it and a piece of blank paper and a pretty pen. The piece of paper with writing said:
Dear Maree,
This pen is very special because it will be true once you write what you want.
chose very carefully.
from, the wizard
then I wrote:
I want to see that wizard again……..
Wizard Tree #2
So I went to check it out and to see what it was. It was this small man stuck in a tree. “Hello?” I asked him.”I am a wizard and help me out of here!!!
Wizard Tree
My name is Maree. I am a girl. I am 12 years old. I sat on the big rock outside with my friend,Jill. ” Whatcha going to do today?” Jill asked me. “Don’t ask me. I do not know.” I answered. Then I went home and I heard something that came from the tree in the hole of the tree… … …
To Be Continued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dentist time! Aw man!
Today I went to the dentist to fill in the cavities. I had four small ones and I did not need to have a shot. What would happen if I took a shot? If I took a shot it would hurt less. But when you are taking the shot it will hurt tons. Trust me I do not like the dentist. We had to go walk to the sky train then go down a hill then up two hills. It did not hurt one bit at the dentist.
Summer You Call This Summer!?!
Okay, of course you know it is now summer, but it is kind of cold here. Usually I should be wearing a tank top and shorts, instead I am wearing long sleeves with a fluffy sweater and jeans or something like that. I have a feeling it will be a boring summer.
So Far… …
Today was my last day and last hour at Brentwood Park Elementary. It’s Summer Vacation! And I am changing schools to Sperling’s school. So good luck for myself to make some friends.
A Special Surprise 3
Part 3:
It was Friday afternoon and they were going to Caroon’s house because the party was there. Then they finally got to his house and THEY PARTIED!
the end
I know it was a short story.
Thank U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Special Surprise 2
Part 2:
In truth Caroon was organizing a party for Randy because two days later it is his birthday.They finished is his surprise.
So, two days later… … … … …
to be continued